Are you ready for EPIC results?

My name is Bri Roberts and I am the founder of EPIC and a primary inclusive leadership coach.

Portrait of EPIC Founder Bri Roberts


School & System Leadership Development

I provide coaching and professional development to current school leaders. I also support school district and education organizations in creating thriving and sustainable Special Education Program at the campus and district level.

I provide engaging workshops, keynotes, seminars, and learning experiences in both in-person and virtual settings focused on topics of equity in Special Education and the foundational systems to ensure the sustainability of those programs.

Speaking Engagements

Let’s work together.

EPIC Special Education consulting exists to accelerate the growth and capacity of secondary SpEd Team leaders’ ability to create an inclusive learning environment.


There are three core beliefs that inform my work.

Special Education is the work of every individual on a campus.

Students in Special Education cannot get there without first being a student in General Education.

An effective campus leader, driven to ensure that ALL students

receive a high quality and effective education, is the key lever to increased student achievement.

School systems must lead with a lens of equity

to create the environments necessary for learning to take place.